About Me

Lolo Moku is Crazy Island. That is my family. We are an island, and taking care of this island is a fulltime job. This blog is my outlet. Hope you all enjoy my recipes, fails, and all around views on life. :)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

And the night I made it a little too spicy ;)

Blackened Pork Chops

So I had this recipe pinned on my Pinterest for a while, and found pork chops on sale, so decided it was fate. ;) My tip on this one is to keep in mind your target audience. I LOVE spicy food, and especially blackened Cajun flavored food. So I put extra spices on mine, but promptly forgot that I had done that when Oldest asked for extra pork chop. SO...cater your spices to the people that will be eating it. That said, I thought this was very yummy, and so did the fam. 

1 lb Pork Chops (thick cut)
1/2 Tbsp dried thyme
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1 Tbsp Paprika
1/2 Tbsp garlic powder
1/2 Tbsp onion powder 
1/2 tsp black pepper 
1/2 tsp salt 
1/4 tsp cayenne

 Assemble all the spices and put into a container/bowl. The recipe mentions putting it in a spice grinder, but since I don't have one, I used child labor and had the Littlest help me out. We just used the back of the measuring spoon and mashed the spices up together. (ps. no, I am not organized enough to really have all these spices out on the counter BEFORE I start. Just for the photo op)
Sprinkle pork chops with seasoning, keeping in mind how spicy you want them to be, and put into a skillet with 1 TBS of olive oil and cook for a few minutes on each side. Then place into a baking dish for an additional 15 minutes at 350 degrees to finish them off. I didn't have as thick of pork chops as the original poster did, so I only cooked for 10 minutes in the oven and checked them to be sure they were cooked. 
If you are super talented at making gravy (I am not, but I will work on it), but I would think you could use the pan drippings to make a sauce. 

1 comment:

  1. thanks! It was pretty good. :) Check out today's...it is our family's fave!
