About Me

Lolo Moku is Crazy Island. That is my family. We are an island, and taking care of this island is a fulltime job. This blog is my outlet. Hope you all enjoy my recipes, fails, and all around views on life. :)

Thursday, January 31, 2013

And the never ending process of perfecting breakfast:

Crustless Quiche

So I have a love/hate relationship with breakfast. I would much rather just drink my iced coffee and skip breakfast all together. Unfortunately age and gravity are catching up with me, and I need to take better care of myself. Eating right at breakfast is rough. I get really tired of the choices, and have been searching around for alternatives that are healthy, and low carb. I think I have finally found it - The Crustless Quiche.  Only, being me (lol), I had to change it. I didn't hate it with the grated parm, but I like it much better this way. :)

Important Note: DO NOT wait until you are hungry to start making this. It can take up to 45 minutes to set, and if you are starving already, you will be REALLY hungry by then. Not that I learned that the hard way or anything ;)

Low-carb cheesy veggie quiche
I know...fancy name it is not. ;)

Serves 4

2 whole eggs
6 egg whites (I just used liquid egg whites)
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2-1 cup shredded cheese
and then about 1-2 cups of whatever vegetables you like to put inside (and maybe bacon if you have some leftover haha).

I used an 8 inch cake pan (you will need whatever size fits your ingredients), sprayed with nonstick spray. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and then pour in the cake pan. 350 degrees for up to 45 minutes. In my experience, you have to start peeking in on it around 20 minutes. It really depends on the moisture in the vegetables you use, and amount of cheese. 

I am still perfecting this, so expect updates and revisions galore. (And pictures, since I keep getting too excited (and hungry) to wait for pictures once it is finally ready.) *when I plug this into My Fitness Pal (bacon included) it comes out to 159 calories per serving.

Friday, January 11, 2013

And raising boys... fun! ;)

Things Boys Need To Know About Life

So when I originally saw this list on Facebook, I thought "AWESOME". But then after reading it some more (and dealing with  my boys), I  have decided there are a few more things that DEFINITELY need to be taught. ;) Some of these are the original ones, but I can't figure out where to link back to... sorry original poster! :(

1. Be nice to your mother. Even when you don't agree, she will always be your biggest supporter. 

2. Pick an extracurricular and stick with it. Whether it be sports, band, debate club, drama, choir (Before you make jokes, Justin Timberlake was in choir), just pick one you like and are good at, and do it. All through high school, if possible. It helps you be part of a team, learn to practice,  and keeps you out of trouble.

3. Do not be a follower. Be a good leader and others will follow.

4. Use careful aim when you pee. Somebody's got to clean that up, you know - someday that will mean you. ;). Oh, and put the seat back down if living with females. It's just polite.

5. Save money when you're young because you're going to need it someday. It is also good to get a job and stick with it. It is important to creditors and that will come in handy.

6. Learn how to cook at least one meal really well. Then you won't starve, and might just impress your girlfriend someday. ;)

7. Always donate to a worthy cause, and don't hesitate to donate time... good karma goes a long way.

8. Never, EVER, act like a bully. Always think about how you would feel if 

someone treated you that way.

9.  Don't ever tell yourself that school is not important. It is more important that you know now. Put  your education first, and everything else will come to you.

10. Treat women kindly. Forever is a long time to live alone and it's even longer to live with somebody who hates your guts.

11. Try not to stink. A shower only takes a few minutes. Take one.

12.  Do not be afraid to do dishes, laundry, cooking, changing diapers...these things will mean a lot to your future spouse.

13. You can never be too polite. Thank you, please and excuse me are key.

14.  Be a good sport. No one...and I mean NO ONE...likes a sore loser or a bragging winner. Winning is NOT the most important thing.

15.  This is a hard one to teach, but sex is not a given. No really does mean NO. Oh, And wear a raincoat. Girls are not always honest, and you need to protect yourself.

16. Life is about figuring out how to get along with others. Sometimes it is okay to keep your mouth shut. See 17

17. It is okay to be wrong. People prefer you to admit it and be gracious, rather than bullheaded.

18. Money does not solve everything.  That being said, try to make as much money as possible without interfering with your life, marriage, kids, etc.

19. Please choose your spouse wisely. My daughter-in-law will be the gatekeeper for me spending time with you and my grandchildren.

20. Remember to call your mother because I might be missing you.

Last...And this is important: Don't touch your junk in public.  And don't think that 'home" is not public... anywhere that there are other people present - that is public. Just leave those private parts private...PLEASE, for the love of all that is good. :)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

And so I've been lazy... new recipe to share

Garlicky Baked Butternut Squash

So I have NEVER been a huge fan of squash... seriously. It was one vegetable I wouldn't touch (along with tomatoes, which most will say is a fruit, but whatever). I think it was because my only experience with squash was that yellow one that my Mom used to make me eat...BLECH! But when the hubby has decided to start eating healthy, and has begun to eat vegetables willingly, you indulge a request. He sent me a recipe from Allrecipes one day that was for Garlicky Baked Butternut Squash. I would love to link to it, but it has since disappeared, so only exists in my recipe box. Sounded good...what's not to love about garlic? So I rolled up my sleeves, literally, and decided to give it a try. Now I will warn you that cutting up a butternut squash is no easy feat. Usually my husband does it for me because it requires muscles that I don't have - YET. What we used to do was peel it and then cut it up, but that is SO much work. Easier is to just slice it in rounds and then cut away the skin. 

So cut up a good size squash...I find a little bit bigger chunks work well in this recipe, maybe 1 1/2-2 inch squares. Put these in a bowl, add rest of ingredients and give a really good stir. Then pour into a glass baking dish and bake for 45minutes to an hour. Right towards the end, I put in the Parmesan cheese so it won't burn. And then ENJOY! :)

Recipe for Baked Butternut Squash-

1 large butternut squash
2 TBS parsley (I use dried, but either way)
2 TBS olive oil
2 garlic cloves - minced, grated, whatever you like
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1/3 cup of Parmesan cheese (I use the shredded kind, but any will do)

Preheat oven to 400. Mix all ingredients in a large bowl. Put into casserole dish and bake uncovered for 45 minutes to an hour. Probably about 15 minutes to the end, put in the parm. 

Sometimes this can get a little mushy, but still tastes great. The larger cubes seem to work best to keep the mush from coming in, but all depends on preference.