About Me

Lolo Moku is Crazy Island. That is my family. We are an island, and taking care of this island is a fulltime job. This blog is my outlet. Hope you all enjoy my recipes, fails, and all around views on life. :)

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

And what about those goals?

That's what they always ask.  Always. I went to a gym a couple years back, and got the "3 free training sessions". Riiiigggghhhhtttt...Free? The first session is just them "assessing" your fitness level. And as always, she asks "So what are your goals?"  I want to be skinny! What do you think my goals are? Is there another goal people come in here with? "Uh.. I would like to work out endlessly with no positive results".  Well, it has taken a few years, and ALOT of soul searching, but I think I finally understand why it's important to have more specific goals. Just wanting to be skinny is not enough. So I have been coming up with my own list of reasons I want to get healthy, lose weight, and ultimately be in better shape.

1. I want to enjoy clothes shopping again.  I hate trying on clothes...all clothes. HATE IT! I remember, once upon a time, when I didn't even have to try clothes on. Just went in, picked out what I wanted, straight to cashier and paid. Now, I get to drag a small child (or two) into the dressing room with me (as if that isn't humiliating enough) and try until multiple sizes of the same item (all the while fielding a million questions), only to come out of the dressing room with little to nothing that fit. This is my number one goal. To enjoy shopping for clothes.

2. I want to like the clothes already in my closet. I stand in there for I don't know how long, staring at each item. Round and round in circles looking at my clothes and hating each and every item in there because I know how it looks on.  (Don't even get me started on all the clothes I have in a box for "someday"). I would like to just pop into my closet and pick anything, and not change my clothes 3-4 times every time.

3. I want to be healthier. I realize this one should be first, but if I am being honest, this is, at best, third.  I consider myself pretty healthy in most aspects of my life. I eat good-for-me food. I don't drink alcohol very often anymore (and definitely not as often as I would like). I walk on that damn treadmill a few to several days a week. But I don't feel healthy. I have a few weaknesses. Like popcorn, chips and the occasional inability to pass up a dessert, especially if it is cheesecake. So, if I could get myself into a healthier place, it wouldn't matter if I had an occasional glass of wine (or 5). ;)

This is as honest as I want to be for now. But I knew that if I didn't write them down, I would never face what is really bothering me. I will save that for a future entry. ;)

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