About Me

Lolo Moku is Crazy Island. That is my family. We are an island, and taking care of this island is a fulltime job. This blog is my outlet. Hope you all enjoy my recipes, fails, and all around views on life. :)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

And now for the Norwegian waffles...

Norwegian Waffles

When visiting my family in Norway, these yummy waffles are usually served with coffee, sodas for the kids, and an assortment of chocolates. Most Norwegian families serve these when guests come over as an after dinner treat.  My kids love them no matter the time of day, so learning to make them has been a quest for a while. 

This recipe has taken most of my adult life to get right, but I am happy to say that I have finally done it! I had done an internet search of "Norwegian waffler", and could not believe the amount of different recipes there are out there. So last time my Mom and I were together, I showed her the one I thought sounded right, and she gave me her thoughts, and this is what I came up with in the end. :) 

Norwegian Waffles - makes 12 sets

6 Eggs
1/2 cup of sugar (give or take depending on preferences)
1 tsp Cardamom
1 1/2 cups of flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup butter (totally forgot this step today, but no one complained) 

Mix together all the eggs, sugar and cardamon until well blended. Next add in the flour, baking soda and salt. Last, add the sour cream and butter and mix very well until the batter is smooth. Easiest way is to get out the mixer, but I am usually in a hurry, so I just mix it all up. Then I let the batter rest while I heat up the waffle iron. Traditionally these are heart shaped, but you can use whatever waffle iron you have. :)  Once ready, use a ladle and put about a ladle's worth into the center of the iron and close the lid.  These waffles are best served slightly soft - not crispy like American waffles.

I wholeheartedly recommend the waffle iron from Bed Bath and Beyond. It has a "doneness" dial that allows you to change the time and whether you want a crispy exterior or uniform texture, etc.

I am going to try to "lighten" these up soon, and will post if it passes the "KID TEST". :)

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